DATA STORY: People will spend 930 hours in the coming year on mobile Internet devices.

DATA STORY: People will spend 930 hours in the coming year on mobile Internet devices.

People will spend 930 hours with mobile internet devices in the coming years. According to the Zenith Media Consumption Forecast report, people will spend a total of 39 days of the year on mobile Internet devices. This survey has been done in a total of 57 countries. According to the report, in 2021, 4.5 trillion hours will be spent on mobile internet devices in these countries.

In 2015, on average, people worldwide spent 80 minutes a day on mobile Internet, which has now increased to 130 minutes. Smartphone availability, faster connection, better screen, and app innovation increased mobile internet usage. According to the report, mobile internet usage will account for 31% of global media consumption in 2021, up from 27% this year. Apart from this, the time to read newspapers has also reduced. It decreased from 17 minutes to 11 minutes from 2014 to 2019. At the same time, the reading time of the magazine was 8 minutes to 4 minutes.

Jonathan Bernard, Zenith's head of forecasting, says people's time on mobile technology has also increased. People are spending more time sharing jokes, sharing messages, etc. with their close ones.

TV craze is decreasing

Television is currently the largest medium worldwide. In 2019, it was seen to be 167 minutes daily, which is expected to decrease to 165 minutes daily in 2021. At the same time, its percentage in global media consumption is expected to reduce to 33 percent in 2021. It was 35 percent in 2019. But the tendency of people towards cinema and radio did not decrease. Radio listening time increased from 53 minutes to 55 minutes daily and cinema viewing time increased from 1.8 minutes to 3 minutes.

Cheapest mobile data rate in India

The cheapest mobile data rate in the world is in India. According to the World Mobile Data Pricing Report, the 1GB mobile data package in India is quite cheap. It is followed by Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Italy, and Ukraine.

The report says that India's population is the youngest. The youth here are rich in technology. India's superphone market is much better. It has the ability to incorporate new technology. There is competition in the market. Despite all this, data is also very cheap. The average price of 1 GB of data in India is $ 0.09. The average price of 1 GB of data in Israel is $ 0.11, $ 0.21 in Kyrgyzstan, $ 0.43, and 0.46 in Italy and Ukraine respectively.

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